Company Gym

In recent years, the “Corporate Wellness” sector has seen significant growth, fuelled by evidence that physically healthy staff work more efficiently. Physical activity also improves mental health, which in turn makes for a happier working environment. Workplace gyms make non - attendance rates reduced, and the Company benefits from a workforce that embraces sporting activity both in and outside of the workplace.

Since we have been creating company gyms for over 15 years, the choice of equipment we can offer is now greater than ever. With equipment, such as treadmills, cross trainers, exercise bikes, availabe to hire or to buy, we can cover your company gym requirements.

We work closely with the management team to create an attractive space for your staff gym, and our 3D CAD design service gives an accurate idea of how the room will look when completed. We also recommend taking a survey among staff to gauge which types of equipment for your office gym will be most popular.

Once the gym is commissioned, we can offer inductions and a discreet Health Screening programme for your staff that demonstrates the effectiveness of the new facility, and motivates everyone to use it.